Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Welcome to the NIGP Online Dictionary of Procurement Terms, the comprehensive reference for public purchasing terms and concepts.

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Search Results: 81-90 of 185 results for “S”
  • Solicitation Protest

  • SOR

    Statement of Requirement
  • Source List

    A record of prequalified, prospective offerors for the purchase or sale of specific goods or services. See also: Bidders List.
  • Sourcing

    The practice of identifying and selecting suppliers based on a set of criteria or following adopted procedures.
  • Sourcing Strategy

    Alternative procurement plan that gives guidance to assess, evaluate, and manage the supply base in ways that are consistent with overall entity objectives.
  • SP2

  • SPC

  • Special Agent

    An agent who has limited authority to perform only special tasks for its principal.
  • Special Procurement

    A type of procurement, as practicable under the circumstances and initiated by the head of an entity, for an unusual or unique situation. This contract is not awarded based on the application of requirements of Invitation for Bids or Request for Proposals that could be contrary to the public interest or the needs of the entity.
  • Special Revenue Fund

    A fund that provides services financed from various specifically designated revenue sources, such as recreation fees used to support a specific recreation activity.



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