North American Free Trade Agreement.
Narrative Evaluations
A form of performance
measurement and feedback that can be used
as an alternative or supplement to other
evaluation criteria. Narrative evaluations
generally consist of several paragraphs of
written text about an individual’s
performance. This type of evaluation can be
very subjective, depending on the use of
words, phrases, and tone.
National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM)
Founded in 1915, ISM is a nonprofit professional global supply management association. It provides certification, development, education, and research for the supply management and purchasing professions
National Institute of Governmental Purchasing Commodity/Services Code
A numbering
system developed by NIGP to identify goods
and services purchased by public purchasing
entities. The system serves as the
cornerstone of an automated purchasing
function, helps suppliers identify the goods
and services to bid, and enables different
jurisdictions to share purchasing information.
National Institute of Municipal Law Officers (NIMLO) Model Code
A document prepared
by the National Institute of Municipal Law
Officers that includes standards against which
an entity can compare its procurement laws.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
A physical science laboratory in the
U.S. with the mission to foster innovation and
build confidence in quantitative biology and
biomaterial measurements across
government and industry in support of the bioeconomy.
National Item Identification Number
Digits 7 to
13 of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) stock number that are non-significant,
but sequentially assigned by each National
Codification Bureau to a unique item of
National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) Guide
A list of all items, in theory, that could
possibly be transported by a common carrier.
The list has a class associated with each item
that is determined its by storability, density,
handling characteristics, and value. Class
(along with distance and weight) is used by the
common carrier of the goods to determine the
rate of the shipment. See also: Class Rate.
Natural Resource
An asset that occurs in nature
and can be used as a raw material for
economic production or consumption (e.g.,
water, forests, and mineral deposits).
To communicate or confer with
another party to reach an agreement or
compromise to settle some matter.