Volunteer with NIGP

Leadership Opportunities

NIGP volunteer leaders are essential to the ongoing success of our professional association. They bring diversity, perspective, talent, skill, and passion into the discussion as the Institute develops and implements its mission to serve the public procurement profession. As volunteers serve the Institute, the Institute serves the profession, and the profession serves society.

Through participation on NIGP Boards, Councils, Committees and Task Forces, you will expand your awareness of NIGP and the profession, and ensure that we continue to support the needs of our members and the profession through premier educational and research programs, professional support and advocacy initiatives.


NIGP offers volunteer opportunities with various time commitments, from short-term to long-term, there are options to fit your needs.

Leadership Position Options

1. Boards & Councils

The Institute’s governance structure, commonly known as NIGP 2.0, is comprised of four governing bodies and a number of committees and task forces; each with specific roles and responsibilities.


  • NIGP Governing Board

    The primary governing body of the Institute, the Governing Board sets the Institute's vision, mission and purpose. It establishes goals and objectives and defines the strategic plan for the organization by establishing broad-based policies. Further, the Governing Board establishes the Institute's budget philosophy and approves annual budget appropriations.

    Some of the primary objectives of the Governing Board include the following:

    • Approving joint ventures with third parties
    • Affirming the annual audit once recommended by the Audit Committee
    • Appointing members to the Governing Board, Talent Council, and Finance Council
    • Ratifying resolutions, position papers and position statements recommended by the Member Council
    • Conducting an appeals process for revocations of membership or chapter charters after the Member Council declares such action as appropriate

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  • NIGP Finance Council

    The purpose of the NIGP Finance Council is to establish the Institute's financial and investment goals, including determining risk assessment. The Finance Council recommends an annual budget for approval by the Governing Board. The Council also determines insurance and bonding requirements and selects an investment counselor and independent auditor for the Institute.

    Some of the primary objectives of the Finance Council include the following:

    • Overseeing financial operations
    • Ratifying the write-off of bad debt
    • Affirming requests for non-budgeted funding
    • Approving the transfer of emergency funds within NIGP accounts
    • Authorizing requests to release the use of funds earmarked in designated reserve accounts by the Governing Board

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  • NIGP Member Council

    The Member Council is responsible for establishing the eligibility and conditions for individual and agency membership and revocation as well as the eligibility and conditions for chartering, maintaining, reinstating, and terminating a NIGP chapter affiliate. The Council also establishes and maintains standards of professional conduct, including a Code of Ethics.

    Some of the primary objectives of the Member Council include the following:

    • Managing the relationship between the Institute and its chapter affiliates
    • Overseeing the process for establishing an Institute honors and awards program
    • Directing the process for developing official resolutions of the Institute, subject to ratification by the Governing Board
    • Overseeing the process for developing and approving position papers of the Institute, subject to ratification by the Governing Board


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  • NIGP Talent Council

    The purpose of the NIGP Talent Council is to manage talent within the Institute. The Council recommends appointments to NIGP 2.0 and determines the rules of conduct during an election. 

    Some of the primary objectives of the Talent Council include the following:

    • Developing and implementing a leader succession plan for the Institute
    • Recruiting leaders to serve on NIGP’s Board, Councils, and committees
    • Managing an on-going leadership development program
    • Promoting and selecting leaders to serve as NIGP’s representatives on NIGP’s auxiliary councils
    • Developing a standard assessment program for the on-going evaluation of volunteer leader performance
    • Determining eligibility criteria for all positions on the Governing Board, the Finance Council, the Member Council, and the Talent Council

    Download Eligibility Requirements  View At-a-Glance


Step 1

Review the eligibility requirements for any council/committee or task force you are interested in. (Below)

2. Committees & Task Forces

Committees are an essential link between NIGP's leadership and its members.  There are two types of committees, Board & Council Committees and Operational Committees. A Board & Council Committee is an extension of one of the three Councils (Finance, Member, Talent) in the fulfillment of its responsibilities. An Operational Committee supports and advises staff in the development and implementation of programs and services produced by the institute.

  • NIGP Certification Commission

    The NIGP Certification Commission supports the NIGP Governing Board in its strategic and visionary goals related to a professional NIGP certification program developed and administered by NIGP. The Commission independently makes essential certification decisions related to all NIGP certification schemes including:

    • Overseeing and monitoring the objectives, performance and results of the NIGP certification program.
    • Establishing and monitoring the NIGP certification schemes and scheme-related policies related to eligibility requirements for certification and testing, recertification requirements, and provisions for suspension or revocation
    • Providing direction and oversight to the NIGP Certification Test Development Committee, the NIGP Practice Analysis Panel and the NIGP Standard Setting Panel.
    • Addressing any candidate, credential holder, or volunteer ethics issues as they arise.
    • Serving as a review board for appeals and disciplinary actions (suspensions and revocations) related to the NIGP certification program to include certification program policies and practices, a candidate’s eligibility, a candidate’s ability to successfully pass the certification examinations, a certification holder’s ability to attain re-certification, or the propriety of a current NIGP certification holder.

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  • Advisory Council

    NIGP has a limited number of spots available for our exclusive thought leadership and engagement program, the NIGP Business Council. This single-tiered sponsorship is reserved for corporations with business operations that align with NIGP's professional community.

    Business Council members work directly with the NIGP Board to develop new, relevant programs and resources that promote the value of the procurement profession and positively impact the professional and business development needs of NIGP members and sponsors. 

    Through the NIGP Business Council, suppliers and procurement professionals connect to share best practices and experiences in order to improve processes and enhance relationships between suppliers and purchasers. As a result, Business Council members have a direct impact on driving the public procurement profession forward.

  • Independent Councils

    Through representative governance, NIGP provides guidance and support to independent boards and councils that share a common bond and mission with the Institute. 

    National Council for Public Procurement and Contracting (NCPPC)

    The NCPPC brings together those not-for-profit associations serving the public procurement and contracting profession that share a common mission in order to develop partnerships and programs that benefit the respective association members while influencing and promoting the value and recognition of the profession. NIGP is a charter member of the collaborative agreement that governs the NCPPC and the Institute has representation on the Council.

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    Achievement of Excellence in Purchasing (AEP) Evaluation Committee

    NIGP is a sponsoring member of the AEP Award issued annually by the National Procurement Institute (NPI) and has representation on their evaluation committee.

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  • Board & Council Committees

    Chapter Ambassadors

    Reports to the Member Council
    The Chapter Ambassadors serve as a consistent link between the Institute and its chapters. Ambassadors are divided into geographic areas and are responsible for presenting valuable information regarding NIGP and the profession to chapters during on-site visits.

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    Diversity and Equity

    Reports to the Governing Board
    Responsible for promoting the awareness of diversity among NIGP and its membership through educational and statistical means including the collection of diversity statistics about NIGP's membership, governance structure and staff.

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    Leadership Development Committee

    Reports to the Talent Council
    Responsible for creating an NIGP leadership development program and succession plan with a focus on education, learning and skill development for NIGP members and chapter leaders that also creates a pipeline of volunteers for NIGP committees and Board.

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    Mentorship Committee

    Reports to the Talent Council
    Responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining a successful mentorship program for NIGP that focuses on personal development.

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    Pipeline and Placement Committee

    Reports to the Talent Council
    Responsible for assessing the talents and passions of volunteer candidates and appointing volunteers to committees and making recommendations for Council and Board appointments to the Talent Council.

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    Position Paper Steering Committee

    Reports to the Member Council
    Develop and publish position papers that address NIGP’s stance on pertinent, contemporary issues relating to the public procurement profession.

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    Reports to the Member Council
    Responsible for recommending eligibility and evaluative criteria for distributing scholarships to the NIGP membership.

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  • Operational Committees

    All report to the Chief Executive or a senior staff member


    Responsible for increasing capacity for and rigor to the review of the applications for accreditation, including the OA4, Pareto, Academic Institutions, and any future accreditation offerings and providing increased value to and engagement with participating entities.

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    Content Management

    Responsible for establishing instructional and assessment system policies and practices for NIGP’s certificate and designation programs.

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    Publications & Editorial Committee:

    Reports to the Chief Executive or a senior staff member.

    Responsible for generating ideas of interest to NIGP members and the procurement community, and providing writing support for NIGP publications (e.g., articles, blog, newsletters, global best practices, white papers, etc.).

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  • Task Forces

    The Governing Board, any of the three Councils, or any of the committees may establish a task force in order to accomplish a narrowly-focused and time-bound objective directed by the appointing board, council or committee.

    A Task Force responds to a specific Board, Council or Committee directive by assessing the issue or initiative and proposing a solution or a range of options to the appointing body for a final decision.


    Reports to the Governing Board
    Serves as the official liaison to the Board in matters with the external auditor, reviews financial statements and management reports submitted by the external auditor and recommends acceptance of the external auditors report and staff's management report to the Governing Board.

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    Reports to the Member Council
    Responsible for conducting all activities leading to the recruitment, nomination and selection of Chapter and individual awards bestowed by the Institute.

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Step 2

Complete the volunteer application

Your application remains on file with NIGP until you decide to update or withdraw it.

All volunteer recruitment efforts are channeled through the NIGP Talent Council. The application for all volunteer opportunities can be completed any time. (There may be occasional recruitment efforts that are time bound. These efforts will be announced by the Talent Council via NIGP’s NForm communications and on the home page of the NIGP Website and deadlines for submittal will be established.) 

Step 3

The Pipeline & Placement committee (a committee of the Talent Council) will review your application and will likely want to have a phone conversation with you to begin the process of matching your talent and passions with any current and future openings.