NIGP-CPP Certification

How to Recertify


The purpose of NIGP-CPP recertification is to ensure that you remain current on best practices and trends and are committed to continuing learning. Therefore, while the Commission values volunteer leadership and service to the profession, contact hours are limited to continuing education.

The NIGP-CPP Recertification application, payment, and other functions are performed online by accessing the your NIGP-CPP record in the NIGP-CPP database. Details are also published in the NIGP-CPP Certification Handbook

Continuing Education Hours:  General Information

All NIGP-CPPs must earn a minimum of 36 hours of continuing education hours (CEHs) during the three-year certification cycle through learning that relates specifically to the NIGP-CPP content outline and/or the Public Procurement Competency Framework.

As an option, up to 9 of the 36 continuing education hours may also be earned by developing or delivering public procurement content.

All continuing education hours (CEHs) must be earned within your specific three-year certification cycle.  CEHs that were either earned before your NIGP-CPP effective date cannot be considered.

Continuing Education Hours: Courses, Workshops, Webinars

The NIGP-CPP Certification Handbook provides detailed information on the types of courses, workshops, and webinars that qualify for CEHs.  Essentially, they are structured on a pre-established number of education hours/minutes, they may be delivered in various modalities, and they align with one or more of the competency statements covered in the NIGP-CPP exams. To earn CEHs, you must attend the entire event.

One of the many benefits of NIGP’s integrated learning and credentialing system is that CEHs earned by taking NIGP courses, workshops, or webinars during your specific three-year cycle dates will be automatically recorded in your online recertification record from your NIGP Learning Management record.

In addition to these NIGP activities, we welcome learning that is provided by our NIGP chapter affiliates, our collegial associations, educational institutions, and training providers. For these programs, you will be required to upload documentation for all learning events that verifies your participation as well as the name of the sponsoring organization, the date(s), content, and starting and ending times for all sessions.

Continuing Education Hours: In-Person and Online Conferences

The NIGP-CPP Certification Handbook provides detailed information on the types of activities within a conference that qualify for CEHs. It is important to review the Handbook for a list of activities that are included and excluded from consideration for CEHs.  Essentially, while general keynotes and plenary sessions, workshops, and networking sessions qualify for CEHs, meals and social activities, business meetings, awards programs, informal networking, and breaks do not. Of note, the NIGP Certification Commission grants a maximum of two CEHs for participation in a learning exchange with suppliers within a public procurement products exposition or trade show. 

When reporting CEHs related to the NIGP Leadership Summit or NIGP Forum, please note that, effective January 1, 2023, you will only earn CEHs for the  sessions that you attended which qualify for CEHs (as noted earlier).  You will self-report these sessions on your recertification application by uploading the Leadership Summit or Forum worksheet into your recertification application.  (This requirement is waived for the NIGP Leadership Summits and NIGP Forums prior to 2022.)

When reporting CEHs for conferences offered by NIGP chapter affiliates or other organizations other than NIGP, , please note that you will only earn CEHs for the educational sessions that you attended during the conference which qualify for CEHs (as noted earlier). You will self-report these sessions on your recertification application by uploading documentation provided by the NIGP chapter affiliate or sponsoring organization. Your documentation should verify your participation, the sponsoring organization, the date(s), content, and starting and ending times for all sessions. Examples of documentation include, but are not limited to, the schedule of events; course outlines with starting and ending dates and times and session titles and content; certificate of completion from the NIGP chapter affiliate or sponsoring organization; confirmation emails from the NIGP chapter affiliate or sponsoring organization identifying the session title(s), dates, times, and content; etc. Please contact if you should have questions about the documentation requirements.

Recertification Fees


$125 every three years

NIGP-CPP Retired status

$75 once, at the time that the NIGP-CPP Retired status application is submitted

Lapsed Certification (within one year of the expiration date)

$50 in addition to regular recertification fees

Fees are subject to change.


Contact the NIGP-CPP Team at


You may recertify anytime once you have earned the minimum of 36 hours; however, your NIGP-CPP effective and expiration dates will not change. For example, if your three-year cycle runs from 9/1/2021 to 8/31/2024, your next three-year cycle dates will be 9/1/2024 to 8/31/2027 regardless of when you apply for recertification.

The recertification application is online.  When you are ready to recertify, login to and click Continue for the Recertification Application. The Requirements section shows your progress towards meeting the 36-credit-hour requirement and it shows your three-year cycle effective and expiration dates

Your NIGP courses, workshops, and webinars completed during your three-year cycle will automatically display. And, you may self-report CEHs and upload documentation for CEHs earned from NIGP chapter affiliates, our collegial associations, educational institutions, and training providers into your recertification application.

If you determine that you will be unable to earn the 36 contact hours during the certification period due to extenuating circumstances, you can request to have your current certification period extended. Your request needs to be submitted to NIGP’s Certification staff prior to the last day of your certification period.

If you fail to submit your recertification credentials before your current certification expires, your certification as a NIGP-CPP will end on your cycle expiration date. As a result, your listing will be removed from the Online Directory of NIGP-CPPs, and you will be required to remove your NIGP-CPP designation from business cards, resumes, employment applications, social media, or any other platform. The NIGP-CPP may only be used by current NIGP-CPP certificants.

You will be able to reinstate your certification within one (1) year of the expiration date of your current certification. However, you will be required to pay a penalty in addition to the regular recertification fees when submitting your Recertification Application. You will not be able to reinstate your certification if your NIGP-CPP expiration date is greater than one year.