Dispute Panel
A form of Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR) that uses one or more
neutral or impartial individuals who are
available to the parties as a means to clarify
misperceptions, fill in information gaps, or
resolve differences over data or facts.
Distance Learning
A method of education in
which the instructor and students are
physically separated and use various
technologies for instruction or
1. The movement of goods from the seller to
the buyer.
2. The logistical aspects involved in the transfer
of goods from manufacturer to end user.
An individual or business that buys
and sells products from a manufacturer.
Generally, a wholesaler who may represent
various manufacturers and maintains an
inventory of material.
Diverse Business
A business with inclusive types
of ownership, including woman-owned,
veteran-owned, minority-owned, and LGBTQowned.
The act of changing the route or
destination of goods in transit from the
original destination to a new destination.
Diversity (in the workplace)
The intentional
employment of individuals of varying race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,
religion, etc.
Diversity Supplier
A supplier whose business is
majority-owned by a member of a historically
disadvantaged group—or a member of the
disability community—with which an entity
contracts in an effort to help that supplier
gain economic representation that is in
accordance with its proportion in the larger
A charge for the use of a dock.
Document Management
The electronic storage,
tracking, and managing of images and