Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Welcome to the NIGP Online Dictionary of Procurement Terms, the comprehensive reference for public purchasing terms and concepts.

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Search Results: 111-120 of 310 results for “C”
  • Commercial Law

    Body of law that regulates the rights, conduct, and relations of people and businesses engaged in public commerce.
  • Commercial Paper

    Unsecured debt promissory note issued by businesses for short-term liabilities.
  • Commission

    1. The compensation of an agent or broker when calculated as a percentage of the amount of the transaction or the profit to the principal. 2. An allowance to a sales representative or agent for services rendered.
  • Commission Merchant

    An agent or broker who buys or sells goods for others in return for a commission.
  • Commitment Authority

    CANADA The authority delegated to appropriate officers to confirm before a commitment is entered into that there is a sufficient unencumbered balance to discharge such commitment.
  • Commodity

    1. A marketable item produced to fulfill a need or want; may reference both goods and services. 2. A primary agricultural product or raw material that must meet specified minimum standards to can be bought and sold in broad commerce.
  • Commodity Classification

    The schema that identifies commodities according to type, class, size, composition, or manufacturer.
  • Commodity Code

    A standard classification system to categorize a marketable item produced to fulfill a need or want; references both goods and services. See Also: NIGP Commodity/Service Code.
  • Commodity Group

    A grouping of related items, all of which can be further broken down into additional commodity classes within the commodity group.
  • Commodity Rate

    A published tariff applicable to the shipment of a specific commodity in large quantities between selected geographical points. See also: Class Rate.



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