Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Welcome to the NIGP Online Dictionary of Procurement Terms, the comprehensive reference for public purchasing terms and concepts.

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Search Results: 51-60 of 102 results for “E”
  • eProcurement (Electronic Procurement)

    The handling of purchasing process tasks, such as requisitioning, sourcing, and purchasing goods and services electronically via the internet.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

    Policy that all employees and candidates for hire are treated fairly by the (prospective) employer. Employers are prohibited from using certain characteristics—including age; sex; national origin; color; ethnicity; gender identity; sexual orientation; mental/physical disability; pregnancy; status as a parent; family medical history or genetic information; political affiliation; military service; or other non-meritbased factors—in promotion, recruitment, job allocation, and access to all opportunities and benefits.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

    Agency responsible for enforcing U.S. federal laws that makes it illegal to discriminate against employees or job applicants because of their age, race, sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, or mental/physical disability.
  • Equal or Approved Equal

  • Equilibrium Price

    The price at which the supply of goods matches the demand.
  • Equipment

    Major items that are not expendable except through depreciation or wear and tear, and which, although they may be fixed or positioned in prescribed places, do not lose their identity or become integral parts of other items or installations.
  • Equity

    Justice according to natural law or right; freedom from bias or favoritism.
  • Equivalent or Approved Equivalent

    Items that correspond or are virtually identical, particularly in function or effect, and are able to be used for the same purpose.
  • Ergonomics

    1. The applied science of product/equipment design intended to reduce operator fatigue and discomfort. 2. A physical environment designed to enable a worker to work more effectively and safely.
  • ERP




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