Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Dictionary of Procurement Terms

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Search Results: 1-6 of 6 results for “Option”
  • Buyer’s Option

    The contractual right, established in a purchase document, to buy a good or service at a fixed price within a specified time. See also: Option.
  • Future Option

    A contract term that allows for the buying or selling of a commodity, currency, or security at a fixed price at an undetermined future date as long as the option remains valid.
  • Option

    A unilateral right in a contract that the entity may choose to exercise to purchase additional supplies or services called for in the contract, or to extend the period of performance. See also: Buyer’s Option.
  • Option to Extend

    In accordance with contract terms, an option that allows a continuance of the contract for an additional period of time. See also: Option to Renew.
  • Option to Renew

    A contract provision that allows a party to reinstate the contract for an additional term beyond that stated in the original contract. See also: Option to Extend.
  • Seller’s Option

    1. A supplier’s right to compel a purchaser to buy at a particular price and time. 2. On option granted to the supplier to make delivery within a specified, limited period.



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