Legacy Costs
Ongoing contractual financial
obligations incurred by a business, such as
retiree benefits and insurance.
Legacy System
Outdated, sometimes archaic,
information technology systems in use well
beyond the availability of newer systems.
Legal Barrier
The limiting effect that an existing
ordinance, statue, or law may have on an
entity's decision-, or the lack of such an
ordinance, statute, or law.
Legal Notice
A public notice required by law,
ordinance, or executive order. Generally
placed in a newspaper of general circulation,
or posted on a website, magazine, or other
media, depending on the specific legal
Legality of Purpose
One of the six elements of a
valid, enforceable contact that states the
object of, or reason for, a contract must be
Legally Flawed
A document or situation that
contains terms or conditions that are contrary
to law and may thus make an award
Legislative Law
A source of public procurement
law that may include written constitutions,
statutes, ordinances, and charters.
Less-Than-Carload (LTC)
1. A quantity of freight that is not sufficient to
constitute a full carload.
2. A freight rate that is usually higher than the
rate for a full carload.
Less-Than-Truckload (LTL)
A quantity of freight
less than the amount necessary to constitute
a full truckload.
The party to whom a lease is granted.