Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Welcome to the NIGP Online Dictionary of Procurement Terms, the comprehensive reference for public purchasing terms and concepts.

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Search Results: 291-300 of 310 results for “C”
  • CSG

  • CSIG

  • Cultural Diversity

    Ethnic, gender, racial, and socioeconomic diversity in a situation, institution, or group; the coexistence of different ethnic, gender, racial, and socioeconomic groups within one social unit.
  • Cumulative Average Cost Curve

    A mathematical formula used in cost and price analysis to plot total units produced against average labor hours or costs required to produce one unit.
  • Cure Notice

    A written notice issued to a contractor to correct poor performance by documenting performance issues and giving the contractor an opportunity to remedy the situation within a prescribed timeframe.
  • Cure Period

    Following the issuance of a cure notice, the time allowed for the defaulting party of a contract to resolve the specified delinquency or default.
  • Currency Depreciation

    The fall in value of a currency in a floating exchange rate system.
  • Currency Devaluation

    The conscious, deliberate downward adjustment by a country of its exchange rate.
  • Current Funding

    The current sum of money assigned to a contract.
  • Current Stock Level

    The quantity currently on hand in a warehouse or storage depot.



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