Dictionary of Procurement Terms

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Search Results: 1-5 of 5 results for “Proposer”
  • Aggrieved Bidder/Proposer/Offeror

    The bidder/proposer/offeror who may be adversely affected by the award of a contract to another bidder/proposer/offeror and protests or appeals the decision.
  • Ineligible Bidder/Proposer/Offeror

    A bidder/proposer/offeror that does not meet the qualifications stated in the solicitation or a supplier that is currently debarred, suspended, or disqualified.
  • Pre-Qualification (of Bidder/Proposer)

    The screening of potential suppliers/contractors in which such factors as financial capability, reputation, and management are considered to develop a list of qualified businesses that may then be permitted to submit bids/proposals.
  • Proposer

    An individual or supplier who submits a proposal that may or may not be in response to a Request for Proposals. See also: Offeror, Responder, Bidder.
  • Responsible Bidder/Proposer/Offeror

    A supplier with the integrity and reliability as well as the financial and technical capacity to perform the requirements of the solicitation and subsequent contract. See also: Qualified Bidder.



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