Dictionary of Procurement Terms

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Search Results: 1-4 of 4 results for “Outsourcing”
  • Business Process Outsourcing

    To carve out an internal business process such as information technology (IT) or human resources (HR) and outsource those processes to private entities to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • Outsourcing

    Action that occurs when an entity makes an informed decision to contract out a product, service, or business process that was previously provided by internal (in-house) resources. The responsibility for providing the outsourced product, service, or business process remains with the entity; the entity pays the contractor for the work done and administers the contract. See also: Insourcing (in-house), Contracting Out.
  • Outsourcing of Non-Core Activity

    The contracting of non-core functions or operations with external contractors, businesses, or suppliers.
  • Procurement Outsourcing

    The contractual transfer of procurement-related activities to a private contractor or third party.



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