Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Welcome to the NIGP Online Dictionary of Procurement Terms, the comprehensive reference for public purchasing terms and concepts.

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  • VOC

  • Void

    Not legally enforceable or binding.
  • Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)

    Human-made chemical that is emitted from products and easily vaporizes into gases that often are harmful to people or the environment.
  • Volatile-Priced Commodity

    Good whose price fluctuates.
  • Volume Discount

    Discount offered to a buyer from a seller based on increased quantity purchased, the size of the order, or total annual volume. See also: Quantity Discount, Volume Leveraging, Economies of Scale.
  • Volume Leveraging

    Use of economies of scale in negotiation between a buyer and seller to reduce the price to the entity. See also: Quantity Discount, Volume Discount, Economies of Scale.
  • Voluntary Restraint Agreement (VRA)

    An agreement between countries to limit exports or imports to a mutually agreed upon number for a specific good.
  • Voluntary Standard

    A level of quality or achievement considered acceptable or desirable for use by any person, organization, or entity, generally established by voluntary participation of interested parties.
  • VRA

  • Wage/Salary Survey

    A study of annual salary numbers or hourly wage figures for a given industry used to assess an entity's or business' comparable pay structure and practices.



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