Dictionary of Procurement Terms

Welcome to the NIGP Online Dictionary of Procurement Terms, the comprehensive reference for public purchasing terms and concepts.

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Search Results: 1-10 of 72 results for “T”
  • T & C

  • T & M

  • Tabulation of Bids/Responses

    The recording of responses to solicitations for the purposes of comparison, analysis, and record keeping.
  • Tactical Planning

    The process of breaking down a strategic plan into specific, short-term plans (usually less than one year) with objectives, outcomes, and strategies.
  • Taguchi Method

    An engineering quality control approach, developed by Japanese engineer and statistician Genichi Taguchi, that focuses on improving a process or product during the design phase rather than after it has been manufactured or delivered.
  • Tare Weight

    The weight of all packaging materials and protective wrapping used for an item to be shipped.
  • Target Market

    An identified group of potential customers to whom a service or product will be directed.
  • Tariff

    A government-imposed tax on a specific class of imported goods.
  • Task Order Contract

  • TCO




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