Functional Description
Functional descriptions
are commonly used for technology-related
commodities, and they focus on observations
or experiences during system usage (e.g., the
program, computer peripherals, or other
Funds (Budgetary/Governmental)
independent legal fiscal entity with assets,
liabilities, reserves, a residual balance, equity,
and revenues and expenditures for
undertaking activities. Funds may be
expendable, meaning the authorization for
spending expires at the end of the fiscal
period; they may also be non-expendable or
revolving, meaning that spending beyond the
fiscal year is allowed without reauthorization.
Governmental funds generally finance the
activities most citizens associate with generalpurpose
governments, (e.g., police, fire, public
works, and procurement). Governmental
funds may be subdivided into four categories:
general fund, special revenue funds, capital
project funds, and debt service funds.
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FFE)
1. For categorization purposes in procurement,
moveable items that are not permanently
connected to a building (e.g., partitions,
shelving, desks, computers, tables, and
2. For property law purposes, real property
consists of land, facilities, and fixtures.
Furniture and equipment are personal
Future Option
A contract term that allows for the
buying or selling of a commodity, currency, or
security at a fixed price at an undetermined
future date as long as the option remains
Contracts for immediate purchase or the
sale of something to be delivered at a definite
time in the future at a specified price. Used as
a hedging device against market price
fluctuations or unforeseen supply shortages.
See also: Spot Price, Forward (Supply)