Navigating Success in Public Procurement: A Continued Look at The Importance of Life-Long Learning

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Following up on last month’s installment of Learning by Design, we return to the 2023 NIGP Workforce Development Study to review the numbers behind the vital role of continuous learning for procurement professionals. 

Investing in Professional Development: A Strategic Imperative

The study highlights the strategic significance of investing in professional development for procurement professionals. Certifications emerge as integral to professional growth, with almost 60% of survey respondents holding procurement-related certifications like the CPPB, CPPO, and the NIGP-CPP. Noteworthy is the fact that nearly 70% of job postings across all career levels consider these certifications either mandatory or preferred.

Looking closer, the study reveals that the time spent in learning activities directly correlates with competency levels. Professionals attending, on average, five workshops or classes annually consistently report higher levels of competence. It is important to note that 14% of respondents conveyed that their organizations allocated zero funds to training in the past twelve months. Concurrently, 28% reported annual spending between $10-500 on professional development. Strikingly, those reporting an investment of up to $2,500 reported a competency proficiency of up to 73%. The takeaway is evident – strategic investment in professional development yields tangible returns.

Looking towards the future, the study illuminates a shifting focus towards leadership skills. Over half of the respondents express a desire to refine their leadership capabilities, signaling a clear trajectory for upcoming professional development initiatives.

Adapting to New Learning Methods: Virtual vs. In-Person Preferences

In the post-COVID era, adaptability emerges as a cornerstone of professional development. The study reveals that 80% of respondents favor virtual instructor-led sessions, reflecting the profession's preparedness to embrace contemporary learning methods. However, 52% still hold traditional in-person classroom settings in high regard. Striking a delicate equilibrium between virtual and in-person offerings becomes paramount for organizations like NIGP to cater to the diverse preferences of our members.

Conclusion: Charting the Course for Future Success

Navigating the complexities of professional development can be daunting, but crafting a long-term plan for the next 1-3 years is crucial. Such a plan not only clarifies your goals for personal and professional growth but also empowers you to make strategic decisions and actively pursue your career objectives. 

For those seeking a starting point, I recommend revisiting my January post on creating a Learning Blueprint. Additionally, the NIGP’s Pathways Concierge Program offers personalized guidance to procurement professionals at all levels looking to carve out their career paths.

As part of the Learning by Design blog, I'm eager to share resources that I believe will be beneficial to you. Our recent Leadership Summit in Houston provided valuable insights into professional development trends, with leadership emerging as a key area of interest. Here is a selection of recommended books from the Summit to enhance your leadership skills.

What’s on Your Bookshelf?

  • Mindset by Carol Dweck
  • The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Heidt
  • Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
  • Emotional Agility by Susan David
  • Dignity by Donna Hicks

I'm dedicated to making this blog as relevant and helpful to you as possible. Your feedback is invaluable to me, so please feel free to email ( your thoughts, topics of interest for future discussions, and any specific resources or books you'd like to see featured here.

Wishing you all the best on your journey of learning and growth.


Strategic investment in professional development yields tangible returns.

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Strategic investment in professional development yields tangible returns.