NIGP: The Institute for Public Procurement

NIGP Diversity Policy

Diversity is a 360-degree view of differing attributes that are distinctly and uniquely personal, yet encapsulate and bind us together. These attributes include, but are not limited to, religious and political beliefs, skillsets, abilities, perspectives, background experiences, gender, age, race, ethnicity, education, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation and geographic location.

Guiding Principles

  • For the Institute, diversity is valuing and respecting individual strengths, viewpoints and contributions. NIGP views diversity as a positive asset for the Institute’s growth and success. NIGP will value and embrace diversity in all aspects of the Institute.
  • In principle and in practice, NIGP values and seeks a diverse and inclusive membership and workforce. The Institute pursues and respects individual viewpoints and contributions. No one may be denied full participation in any aspect of NIGP’s activities on the basis of ethnic background, race, color, gender, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or veteran status.


  • NIGP does not discriminate in the administration of its educational and professional development programs, membership eligibility policies, and other Institute-sponsored programs. It is also the policy of NIGP not to affiliate with an association that fails to adhere to the provisions of this statement of policy.
  • The Institute shall maintain an ongoing effort to identify and eliminate participation barriers as it relates to the Institute’s roles, programs and other activities.
  • The Institute shall use gender neutral language in its publications and proceedings.
  • The Institute shall incorporate its diversity principles into the educational program of the Annual Forum and Products Exposition to include a diversity of speakers, workshop presenters, and exhibitors.

ADA Compliance

  • It is the express policy of NIGP to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and to provide equal opportunity to the mentally and physically impaired in connection with employment and the provision of public services and public accommodations.
  • The Institute shall require all providers of goods and services in any Forum or program to also fully comply with ADA requirements.

Leadership Opportunities

  • NIGP shall provide training programs for the NIGP Governing Board and Council members, NIGP committee members, Chapter Board members and NIGP staff on how to achieve diversity and inclusion.


  • The Board shall report annually to the membership, its efforts, progress, and success in achieving diversity and eliminating discrimination within the Institute.
  • NIGP shall provide education, training and professional development opportunities targeted at developing skills necessary for any member to assume Board, Council and Committee leadership positions in the Institute.
  • NIGP shall commit time and resources to develop and implement a plan to include under-represented groups and to expand access to leadership opportunities.