

The NIGP Talent Council is privileged to announce the ballot results for the election of three NIGP Member Council members.  The following candidates have been elected by the NIGP membership to a three-year term on the NIGP Member Council effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023:

  • Victoria Cortinas, CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., Chief Procurement Officer for the Town of Oro Valley, Arizona
  • Zulay Millan, CPPO, CPPB, Assistant Manager, Procurement Division for Orange County, Florida (Member Council Young Professional Incumbent)
  • Carrie Roberts, CPPO, C.P.M., CAPM, Executive Director, Procurement and Warehouse Services for the Atlanta Independent School District, Georgia.

Zulay earned a second term on the Member Council as a designated Young Professional while Victoria and Carrie will begin their three-year terms on July 1, 2020.

The Institute is grateful to Cheral Manke (WA) and Kevin Yin (OR) for their dedication, commitment and unselfish service to the Member Council.  Cheral served as Member Council Chair until her recent appointment as a regular member of the NIGP Governing Board.  And Kevin will be completing his current service on the Member Council in June 2020.

The Institute also expresses its gratitude to all six candidates who were willing to step forward as leaders to develop, support and promote public procurement.   We offer our thanks and appreciation to the following candidates who were also placed on the ballot:

  • Rennette Apodaca, MPA, CPPO, CPO, Executive Director – Business Systems, Procurement & Accounts Payable for the Albuquerque Public Schools, New Mexico
  • Kristen Hutto, CPPB, Procurement Manager II for the State Fiscal Accountability Authority, South Carolina

Katherine Tople, CPPB, State Purchasing Officer for the Illinois Secretary of State, Illinois


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