RFP Evaluation Guide.doc

  • Library: Purchissues
  • Year Created: 2018
  • File Type: DOC
The document is a Request For Proposals Evaluation Guide from the Purchasing Division, dated August 2004. It outlines the process of evaluating proposals, starting with establishing criteria and placing them in the RFP document. It emphasizes the importance of having a fair and objective evaluation process. The guide covers the roles of the Evaluation Committee, receiving proposals, evaluation procedures, and the use of evaluation forms. It stresses the need for transparency, integrity, and professionalism in the evaluation process. The document also details the steps involved in evaluating proposals, including scoring, short-listing, presentations by proponents, consensus scoring, and final selection. It highlights the importance of maintaining records and following a structured evaluation process. Additionally, it discusses the creation of evaluation forms with clear criteria and the preparation of an evaluation report for transparency and documentation purposes. The guide concludes by underlining the significance of the evaluation process in achieving a fair and defensible decision while ensuring the best value for money.