0076-14 RFP ActuarialServices (ER 5-1-2014).doc

  • Library: Purchissues
  • Year Created: 2015
  • File Type: DOC
The document is a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Actuarial Consulting Services issued by the City of Tallahassee, Florida. It outlines the need for actuarial services for the City's Pension Plan and Other Post-Employment Benefits Plan. The RFP specifies the authority structure within the City government, details about the Pension Plan including defined benefit and defined contribution provisions, investment services, and actuarially determined contribution requirements. It also covers information about the OPEB Plan, including subsidies for retirees. The scope of services required from the actuarial consultant is provided, including preparing actuarial valuation reports, assisting in defining goals for pension plans, and ensuring plan compliance. The proposal response requirements are also outlined, detailing the format and content expected from prospective service providers.