CHECKLIST - Piggyback Checklist.docx

  • Library: Purchissues
  • Year Created: 2021
  • File Type: DOCX
The document is a Piggyback Worksheet for Procurement & Contracts, revised in July 2020. It outlines the definition of piggybacking in procurement, emphasizing the need for contracts to be awarded through a competitive solicitation process. The worksheet includes sections on agency/cooperative details, original contract information, requirements for using existing contracts, considerations for federally funded piggyback requirements, and documentation needed for compliance. It covers aspects such as contract specifics, vendor qualifications, contract terms, dispute resolution, monitoring, federal funding requirements, changes to contracts, Buy America domestic content, federal regulation compliance, certifications, audits, and procurement summaries. The document also references relevant federal guidelines and best practices related to joint procurements and piggybacking in procurement processes.