PCard Manual Revised March 2019.pdf
- Library: Purchissues
- Year Created: 2021
- File Type: PDF
The document outlines the policies and procedures related to the LRWRA/Arkansas Purchasing Card Program. It covers topics such as purchasing card activation, making a purchase using the card through various methods, general policies and procedures, parties involved in the program, cardholder responsibilities, reviewer and division head responsibilities, finance department responsibilities, and purchasing card contacts. The responsibilities of different individuals involved in the program, such as cardholders, reviewers, division heads, and the finance department, are clearly defined. The document emphasizes the importance of following guidelines, maintaining security, obtaining proper documentation, and adhering to purchasing limits. It also highlights the consequences of misuse or failure to comply with the policies, including disciplinary actions and the requirement for full restitution in case of misappropriation of funds.