Resolution (21-0353) & Telework Policy.pdf

  • Library: Purchissues
  • Year Created: 2022
  • File Type: PDF
The document is a resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, to update and adopt Policy No. 220 - Teleworking in the Spokane County Policy and Procedure Manual. The purpose of the policy is to establish, evaluate, and authorize teleworking arrangements to attract and retain a talented workforce, improve productivity, enhance work/life balance, and reduce carbon emissions and operating costs. The policy applies to all Spokane County employees and is considered on a case-by-case basis. Teleworking arrangements can be temporary or recurring, and the approval is at the discretion of the Elected Official/Department Head. Eligibility for teleworking is determined by supervisors based on criteria such as employee suitability, position compatibility, and nature of work performed. The document also outlines general conditions of teleworking arrangements including equipment requirements, telework location considerations, hours of work/availability, rest breaks, meal periods, work travel expectations, and communication guidelines between teleworking employees and their supervisors.