Mobil shelving.pdf

  • Library: Purchissues
  • Year Created: 2014
  • File Type: PDF
Mobile and Open Shelving 1. General Description : FILE ROOMS, VAULTS AND STORAGE AREAS: 1.1 The County needs comprehensive mobile shelving and open shelving lines that offer strength, functionality, versatility, high performance, aesthetics and technological capabilities which include safety and security features. It should allow planning flexibility for file and storage rooms in order to maximize space and be reconfigurable without damage to existing finishes. The various shelving units shall have the ability to accommodate a variety of storage needs such as, side and top tabbed file folders, accordion case files, storage boxes etc. Mobile shelving and open shelving shall be installed within fully finished rooms and existing floor finishes shall not be disturbed. Building floor slabs consist of a post tension system, therefore, no floor drilling shall be allowed. Shelving units may be anchored to walls.