RFQ-VS-020516 Longmont TOD Advisory Services.pdf

  • Library: Purchissues
  • Year Created: 2016
  • File Type: PDF
Repeat: The City of Longmont is seeking advisory services from qualified consultants to maximize transit-oriented development opportunities at the 1st and Main Transit & Revitalization Plan site. The project involves a site capacity analysis to determine potential development scenarios and assistance with land assembly and partnerships. The consultants are expected to work with public partners to formulate a strategy for implementing the TOD, identify potential partnerships, assess funding options, and provide recommendations. The proposal submission requirements include a cover letter, subcontractor information, approach to the scope of work, company qualifications, schedule, cost estimates, and mandatory qualifications. The background information highlights Longmont's population, transportation plans, ongoing development in the 1st and Main area, and the Southeast Longmont Urban Renewal Area.