2017 Disposal ofSurplus Property.doc
- Library: Purchissues
- Year Created: 2021
- File Type: DOC
The document outlines the "City of Fond du Lac Policy Regarding Disposal of City Property" established on October 24, 2017. The purpose of the policy is to provide clear guidelines for the efficient disposal of City property. It distinguishes between property with monetary value and those with little to no value, detailing different disposal methods such as sale, transfer, donation, or discarding as trash. It defines City and surplus property, emphasizing compliance with Federal and State laws. The policy restricts personal use of City property by employees and outlines procedures for disposal, requiring prior approval from the Purchasing Manager. It also specifies methods of disposal including auctions, sealed-bids, trades, donations, and proper discarding for items with no value. The document highlights the importance of following these guidelines and the consequences of unauthorized disposal or personal use of City property.