RFP - Smoking Cessation Services 2011

  • YEAR CREATED: 2011
  • ENTITY TYPE: County
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: RFP - Request for Proposals
The document is a request for proposals (RFP) for smoking cessation services by the Baltimore County Department of Health, specifically the Bureau of Behavioral Health. The document outlines the criteria and requirements for potential vendors to submit their proposals. The document includes information on program offerings, the number of participants targeted, and the accessibility of the program to the community. Special consideration will be given to populations historically known to have higher rates of smoking, such as men and Hispanic/Latinos. The document also mentions that offerors may be required to make individual presentations to the evaluation committee to clarify their proposals. Vendor qualifications are important, and offerors may need to provide evidence of financial responsibility, necessary equipment, manpower, and storage facilities. References of similar contracts serviced in the past three years must also be provided. The submission process requires one original and eight copies of the proposal to be securely sealed and addressed to the issuing office. Proposals can be mailed or hand-delivered, but late proposals will not be considered. The proposals should be prepared simply and economically, printed on recycled paper, and consecutively numbered. The document also includes a list of county holidays and emphasizes the importance of compliance with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Maryland Confidentiality of Medical Records Act. If selected, the offeror must execute a business associate agreement as required by HIPAA regulations. The last section of the document provides a funding request form for smoking cessation courses, including the number of sessions in the course, the expected number of participants, and the maximum amount of funding for each course. An example is given to illustrate how compensation for participants attending the sessions is calculated. Overall, the document provides detailed information on the requirements, submission process, and expectations for vendors interested in providing smoking cessation services to the Baltimore County Department of Health.

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