ART - Alternate Project Delivery Method Selection Process 2003

  • YEAR CREATED: 2003
  • ENTITY TYPE: City/Township
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
This document provides guidelines for selecting the appropriate project delivery method for construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair services for a facility. It discusses three different methods: competitive sealed proposals, construction manager-agent, and construction manager-at-risk. In the competitive sealed proposals method, the municipality selects or designates an engineer or architect to prepare construction documents. The municipality provides inspection services, testing of construction materials, and engineering services necessary for acceptance of the facility. The municipality issues a request for competitive sealed proposals, which includes construction documents, selection criteria, estimated budget, project scope, and schedule. The municipality evaluates and ranks each proposal based on the published selection criteria and selects the offeror that offers the best value. Negotiations are conducted with the selected offeror, and if a contract cannot be reached, negotiations are ended and the next offeror in the ranking is considered. In the construction manager-agent method, a construction manager-agent is hired to provide consultation to the municipality regarding construction projects. The municipality selects or designates an engineer or architect to prepare construction documents. The construction manager-agent may provide administrative personnel, equipment, on-site management, and other services specified in the contract. The construction manager-agent represents the municipality in a fiduciary capacity. The municipality must also procure general contractors, trade contractors, or subcontractors for specific portions of the work. The municipality is responsible for procuring inspection services, testing of construction materials, and verification testing services. In the construction manager-at-risk method, a construction manager-at-risk assumes the risk for construction projects and provides consultation to the municipality. The municipality selects or designates an engineer or architect to prepare construction documents. The municipality is responsible for inspection services, testing of construction materials, and verification testing services. The selection of the construction manager-at-risk can be done through a one-step or two-step process, where the municipality prepares a request for proposals or qualifications and evaluates the submissions based on selection criteria stated in the request. Overall, the document provides detailed information on the different project delivery methods and the steps involved in selecting contractors for construction services. It emphasizes the importance of clearly stating the selection criteria in the request for proposals or qualifications, especially in the case of the construction manager-at-risk method.

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