ART - Benefits of Videoconferencing and telepresence 2009

  • YEAR CREATED: 2009
  • ENTITY TYPE: Private
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The document discusses the challenges and benefits of using videoconferencing technology in the context of responsible purchasing. The author highlights that one of the biggest challenges to the widespread adoption of videoconferencing is people's reluctance to use it, as some individuals may feel self-conscious on camera. Additionally, there is uncertainty about who has access to the technology, which discourages its use. However, the current global financial difficulties have led to increased investment in videoconferencing equipment and services by government agencies and private-sector companies, as it helps reduce travel costs and improve employee productivity. The document also emphasizes the importance of vendors offering equipment take-back programs to ensure proper recycling of electronic products at the end of their useful life. The author, Scot Case, has been researching and promoting responsible purchasing issues for 16 years and is the vice president of TerraChoice Environmental Marketing.

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