ART - An Analysis of Private versus Public Sector Responses to the Environmental Challenges of the Supply Chain 2002

  • YEAR CREATED: 2002
  • ENTITY TYPE: Scholarly Publication
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The document is a compilation of various sources related to the topic of environmental challenges in the supply chain and the role of government and purchasing in addressing these challenges. The document includes articles, reports, and conference papers from different authors and organizations. The sources cover a range of topics such as the promotion of environmental improvement along the supply chain, the role of purchasing reform in closing the recycling loop, the use of eco-management and audit schemes in local government, the concept of green public purchasing, the interaction between purchasing and environmental management, and the impact of green purchasing and supply policies on companies' environmental performance. The document also discusses the relationship between manufacturing strategy and environmental management, the link between the environment and competitiveness, and the role of government procurement as an instrument of environmental policy. It includes discussions on ethics in government procurement, the sustainable supply chain, and the relationship between government and business purchasing. Overall, the document provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities related to environmental sustainability in the supply chain and the role of government and purchasing in addressing these issues.

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