ACCRED - Award - NIGP Innovation Award 2009

  • YEAR CREATED: 2009
  • ENTITY TYPE: City/Township
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ACCRED - Accreditation
This document describes an innovative procurement system implemented by the City of Springfield. The system utilizes scanning technology and automated data entry to improve productivity and reduce errors. It includes a centralized database for solicitation and contract documents, with unique identifiers for each. The system allows for easy retrieval of related documentation and tracks the progress of approval processes. Documents are filed electronically as either public or private, with private documents requiring secure logins to access. The system also allows for automated archiving based on retention schedules. The innovation demonstrates collaboration with stakeholders and aims to provide ready access to procurement documents, improve process transparency, and facilitate business with the City. It redefines public procurement by making documents readily available, reducing the need for hardcopies, and freeing up physical space.

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