ART - Covert Pay Discrimination 2011

  • YEAR CREATED: 2011
  • ENTITY TYPE: Scholarly Publication
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The document is a compilation of various references and sources related to compensation and gender inequality in the workplace. It includes a table with numerical data and information about the significance levels of certain variables. The document also includes references to studies and articles on topics such as pay equity, wage differentials, gender representation, and occupational segregation. One of the references mentioned is a study by James R. Lindner, Tim H. Murphy, and Gary (last name not provided) on teachers, published in Public Administration Review. This study may provide specific insights into compensation and gender disparities within the teaching profession. Overall, the document provides a range of information and research on the factors influencing compensation and gender disparities in the workforce.

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