ART - An Analysis of the Consequences of Contract Administration Problems for Contract Types 2009

  • YEAR CREATED: 2009
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The document is a journal article titled "Journal of Management Research" from 2009, Volume 1, Issue 2. The article presents several tables that provide information on various aspects related to contracts and performance in management. Table 13 presents data on different sources, including software, supplies, leases, capital outlay, professional services, contracted services, and construction. Each source is associated with a contract number and a performance rating. Table 14 focuses on poor performance and provides data on contract numbers and performance ratings for contracted services, construction, professional services, supplies, software, capital outlay, and leases. Table 15 discusses the risk of failure and presents data on contract numbers and performance ratings for contracted services, construction, software, professional services, leases, capital outlay, and supplies. Table 16 provides information on subcontractors, including contract numbers and performance ratings for construction, professional services, contracted services, capital outlay, leases, software, and supplies. Table 17 focuses on cost and presents data on contract numbers and cost ratings for construction, software, professional services, leases, capital outlay, contracted services, and supplies. Overall, the article provides a detailed analysis of different aspects related to contracts and performance in management, including sources, poor performance, risk of failure, subcontractors, and cost.

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