ART - equality-in-procuremen 2010

  • YEAR CREATED: 2010
  • ENTITY TYPE: Authority: Other
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The document discusses the integration of gender equality in public procurement in Spain. It explains that public authorities in Spain are obligated to adopt measures to reduce social inequality and promote equal treatment between men and women, in line with the values of pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity, and equality. The document highlights the role of public procurement as a means to achieve these gender equality objectives. It mentions that the Spanish Law on Public Sector Contracts includes measures to promote gender equality, but these measures are optional for contracting authorities. The document provides examples of how gender equality is included as a special condition in public contracts, such as awarding preference to companies that promote equal opportunities between men and women. However, it also acknowledges the limited effectiveness of these measures due to their optional nature and the challenges in enforcing procurement prohibitions. Overall, the document emphasizes the importance of integrating gender equality in public procurement and the need for stronger measures to ensure compliance, in line with the values of pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity, and equality between women and men.

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