ART - Article Taxonomy Horizontal Policies Implimentation 2010

  • YEAR CREATED: 2010
  • ENTITY TYPE: Universities
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The article discusses the use of public procurement as a tool to promote economic, environmental, and social objectives. It presents a detailed taxonomy of "horizontal" policies in public procurement, which are policies that go beyond legal requirements and extend to the contract awarded and the implementation mechanisms in the procurement process. The taxonomy is based on three key distinctions: policies limited to legal compliance vs. those that go beyond it, policies confined to contract performance vs. those that go beyond it, and different mechanisms for implementing policies. The article highlights the value of understanding and analyzing horizontal policies and their implications, as well as the need for regulatory frameworks to govern these policies. It provides examples from various jurisdictions and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different implementation mechanisms. The article also addresses specific aspects of public procurement, such as tendering, award criteria, and measures for improving access to government contracts. Overall, the article aims to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding and developing regulatory provisions on horizontal policies in public procurement.

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