BID - Laboratory Information Management System 2006

  • YEAR CREATED: 2006
  • ENTITY TYPE: State
This document is a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) project. The document outlines the requirements and specifications for the LIMS system. The document includes various critical, important, and desirable features that the LIMS must have. These features include the ability to search data fields, report time intervals for evidence processing, print codes and drop-down information, display and print QA reports, track property room inventory, save and print evidence contents and locations, compare inventoried contents, print relevant electronic documents for discovery purposes, track analyst certifications and QA audits, record instrument maintenance and calibration history, track witness critiques and customer satisfaction surveys, provide QA tracking and reporting on instruments, provide a conversation log, store and associate relevant electronic records with cases, send and store case-related emails, support a scalable architecture, support external users with appropriate security, automatically populate forms with existing information, allow for portable and exportable case information, allow for modifications to report templates and field settings, run on specific Windows operating systems, access diverse data storage systems, and link file objects with case records. Additionally, the new context specifies that the LIMS should have a spelling checker for comment and text fields, which is considered a critical feature. Overall, the document provides a comprehensive list of requirements for the LIMS system, covering various aspects such as search capabilities, evidence processing, inventory management, quality assurance, document management, email functionality, system architecture, data storage, and the inclusion of a spelling checker for comment and text fields.

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