ART - Administrative Regulations, 2008

  • YEAR CREATED: 2008
  • ENTITY TYPE: City/Township
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The document provides information about the accreditation and procurement processes of the City of Peoria's Materials Management department in Arizona. The document mentions the accreditation received in 2008 and highlights the importance of user input in meeting their needs. It emphasizes the need for clear and careful analysis when considering standardization and limiting competition. The decision to standardize involves collaboration between procurement, users, support areas, and possibly consultants. Examples of standardization mentioned include HVAC controls, fire alarm systems, security systems, modular furniture, lighting fixtures, and water product monitoring systems. The document also includes information about the cancellation of invitations for bids or requests for proposals, stating that it can be done in the best interests of the city and in accordance with the procurement guidelines. It mentions the determination of nonresponsibility of bidders or offerors, stating that a written determination should be made in accordance with regulations. The document also highlights the confidentiality of information provided by bidders or offerors and the determination of whether it should be subject to public disclosure. Additionally, the document mentions the prequalification of suppliers for specific types of supplies, services, and construction, with the method and information required for prequalification determined by the Materials Manager. It also states that the Procurement Officer may request factual information from bidders or offerors to substantiate the reasonableness of the price or cost offered. The document further provides information about the preparation of specifications/scope of work, stating that it is done by Materials Management or using Governmental Units. It mentions the use of alternate descriptions and the emphasis on functional or performance criteria in specifications. It also mentions the use of common or general use item specifications, brand name or equal specifications, and brand name specifications, with the need for maximum practicable competition in the latter case.

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