RFP - Construction Manager at Risk Services for Austin Homes, 2020

  • YEAR CREATED: 2020
  • ENTITY TYPE: City/Township
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: RFP - Request for Proposals
The document consists of several pages that include various forms and documents related to a solicitation for Construction Manager at Risk services for a project called Austin Homes/Bell Street Flats Phase 1B C21004. The document starts with affidavits and certifications related to the accuracy of electronic copies provided by the supplier, as well as restrictions on contact and advocacy with KCDC representatives. The document also includes a section for the signature of the person acknowledging receipt of the affidavits and certifying compliance with the requirements. Following the affidavits, there are several pages that contain different sections of the solicitation document. These sections include an introduction letter that provides an overview of the company, its organization type, contractor's license information, company history and expertise, and reasons for interest in the project. There is also a section for the company to explain why KCDC should select them for the project. The document further includes a section for the construction manager's experience, where the company is required to provide a summary of similar projects completed in the last five years, specifically highlighting multifamily residential projects that utilized the construction manager at risk delivery method. The company is also asked to provide three references from clients on these projects. Another section of the document is dedicated to resources, where the company is asked to provide an organizational chart of the proposed CMAR team, including key personnel and their roles, involvement, and resumes. The company is also required to provide information about their current workload and scheduled completion dates for each project, as well as any proposed consultants for the preconstruction and construction phases. The final section of the document is for the company to explain their technical approach to the project, including a brief description of their approach to ensure successful development. Overall, the document contains various forms and sections that provide information about the solicitation process, the company's qualifications and experience, and their proposed approach to the project.

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