RFQ - Energy Verification 2014

  • YEAR CREATED: 2014
  • ENTITY TYPE: Authority: Housing
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: RFQ - Requests for Quotes
The document is a solicitation document for an Energy Efficiency Measurement and Verification Review (Q1506). It provides general response information and information to be supplied by the vendor. The document instructs the vendor to submit one original and one copy of the submittal, as well as one electronic copy. It states that fancy brochures and advertisements are not necessary and phrases like "See the attached" or "Will be provided upon award" should not be used. The document also mentions that if there are attachments, they should be marked with the vendor's name and only three-ring binders are permitted for binding. The document includes a section for the vendor to provide general information about their company, including years in business and years performing this type of work. It also asks for the number of employees to be assigned to the work and the names and resumes of personnel to be assigned. The vendor is required to provide three references with contact information and a description of the project. They are also asked to provide a fee schedule and indicate the work schedule, including when the work will begin and when it will be finished. The document includes affidavits that the vendor must agree to, including a non-collusion affidavit stating that the offer is genuine and not collusive or sham.

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