POL - Innovations Award - Best Value Procurement Model - AZ State University 2011

  • YEAR CREATED: 2011
  • ENTITY TYPE: Universities
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: POL - Policies/Procedures
The document provides information about the Performance Information Risk Management System (PIRMS) and the Weekly Risk Reporting System (WRRS) as mechanisms to measure the vendor's performance throughout a project. PIRMS is a procurement system that focuses on preplanning and risk management, while WRRS is a tool for analyzing the performance of the service based on risk. The purpose of WRRS is to allow the vendor to manage and document all risks that occur during a project. The document also includes a brief biography of Peggy Ferrin, a Best Value Procurement Specialist at Arizona State University, who has expertise in purchasing and contracting and has implemented the technology in over 800 projects with a high success rate.

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