RFP 20-10 Temporary Staffing Services - City of Fayetteville, AR

  • YEAR CREATED: 2020
  • ENTITY TYPE: City/Township
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: RFP - Request for Proposals
The document is an RFP (Request for Proposal) issued by the City of Fayetteville, AR for Temporary Staffing Services. The document provides instructions and guidelines for interested parties to submit their proposals. Some key points mentioned in the document include: - Proposals should be submitted in both hard copy and electronic format, with the electronic copy being identical to the hard copies provided. - The use of Adobe PDF documents is recommended for the electronic copies. - Proposers should not submit electronic copies via email to City employees, but rather provide them in a sealed manner through shipping services like FedEx, UPS, or USPS. - Proposers have the option to redact any proprietary information they do not want to be subject to the Freedom of Information Act, but if no redacted copy is provided, all information will be considered public. - Proposals will be reviewed after the stated deadline, and only the names of the proposers will be available until a contract is awarded. - Proposers must follow the format of the RFP and structure their responses accordingly. - Proposers should have experience in similar work and provide references to satisfy the City of Fayetteville. - Any exceptions to the terms in the RFP must be identified in the proposal response. - The City reserves the right to rank firms, negotiate with the highest-ranking firm, accept or reject proposals, cancel the RFP, remedy or waive errors, request clarifications or additional information, and make the selection without negotiation. - The evaluation criteria will be used to evaluate and score proposals, and the contract will be awarded to the most qualified proposer. - Proposers are responsible for all expenses related to the preparation and submission of proposals. - An oral presentation or interview may be requested at the selection committee's discretion. - Proposers should not have any conflicts of interest and should promptly notify the City of any potential conflicts. - Proposals can be withdrawn before the submission deadline based on a written request from an authorized representative of the firm; however, a proposal shall not be withdrawn after the time set for the proposal.

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