
NIGP-CPP Comprehensive Exam

Welcome to the NIGP Certified Procurement Professional (NIGP-CPP) certification program!

Your online application for the NIGP-CPP has been received.

Verifying Employment

Your qualifying employment experiences must now be verified. Automated emails will be sent to all verifiers that you listed for each employment experience you reported on your application. The email will include:

  • Your name
  • The employment position title you provided
  • The organization name and address
  • A listing of the competency statements (minimum 20 were required) that you identified for this employment experience.

Each verifier must either approve or deny the information you provided on your application. All verifications must be in writing, by email. Telephone verifications cannot be accepted.

Please be sure that you have contacted each verifier to advise him/her that the NIGP-CPP program is sending a verification request email to confirm all the details that you provided on your application.

Once all verifiers have responded, NIGP-CPP staff will review and approve or deny your application based on the verifier responses and your meeting the minimum eligibility requirements.

If a verifier advises you that he/she has not received the NIGP-CPP verification email, please ask the verifier to contact NIGP-CPP staff at certification@nigp.org. Please ask the verifier to provide your name and the name of the employing organization. NIGP-CPP staff will work with the verifier to send out another email so that written approval/denial can be obtained.

Application & Exam Fee



About CPP Program

Contact certification@nigp.org

About CPP Preparatory Resources

Contact NIGP Customer Care at (703) 736-8900.