
Webinar Recording - Lead Laterally: Choose to Help

  • Contact Hours: 1
  • Format: Online
Webinar Recording 051921: Lead Laterally: Choose to Help (Member)$0.00  
Webinar Recording 051921: Lead Laterally: Choose to Help (Non-Member)$195.00  
Webinar Recording 051921: Lead Laterally: Choose to Help (Member) $0.00
Webinar Recording 051921: Lead Laterally: Choose to Help (Non-Member) $195.00


The theme of team leadership travels through this course.  This webinar will distinguish the dimensions of leadership, from transactional through team to transformational leadership. We’ll focus our attention though on five behaviors of effective team leaders. How might leadership in larger organizations be different from team leadership?  This session will end by challenging the participants to Find the Gap, exercise leadership, and begin the process of change.
Special Guests: 
Sue Wheater, Property/Contracts Coordinator, Montrose Regional Airport
Jack Pellegrino, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPCM, Director of Purchasing and Contracting, San Diego County, CA and 2021 President, California Association of Public Procurement Officials (CAPPO) 

What You'll Learn

After completing this online training session, learners will be able to:

1.  Self-assess team leadership using five essential behaviors
2.  Begin to think about what leadership skills must be added when leading larger organizations
3.  Begin to develop an outline for continuous improvement plan for: you, team, AND organization
4.  Go to a customer's location and Find the Gap


Presenter Bio(s)

From 2013 to 2018, Richard Pennington was general counsel to NASPO ValuePoint. Previously, he served of counsel to the Denver office of McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP, where he advised clients on federal, state and local government procurement. 

Richard is the former director of the Division of Finance and Procurement, Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration. He previously served as State Purchasing Director after working for the Colorado Attorney General as procurement and construction litigation counsel. 

Richard is a retired Air Force Colonel and judge advocate who started his career as a B-52 pilot and later became a judge advocate specializing in federal procurement. He served as Chief of the Air Force Commercial Litigation Division, working with the Department of Justice in litigating bid protest, bankruptcy, contract disputes, and patent infringement cases filed in federal courts across the nation.
Richard is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He has a J.D. degree from the University of Denver and Master of Laws degree in government procurement law from The George Washington University. He holds the NIGP-CPP (Certified Procurement Professional) certification, is a Certified Public Procurement Officer (CPPO), and a life member of the National Association of State Procurement Officials.
Richard is the author of Seeing Excellence: Learning from Great Procurement Teams (Hugo House Publishing, 2013) and co-author of Legal Aspects of Public Procurement, 3rd Ed. (Routledge, 2020). He is the 2020 recipient of NIGP’s Distinguished Service Award. He volunteers and teaches for NIGP: The Institute for Public Procurement.

Attendance for Individuals

In order to receive one contact hour, each member needs to register for the webinar individually in advance and then watch the live webinar. Your credit is tabulated by match between your login and your registration.

Attendance for Groups

There is a Group Sign-In Form provided with each webinar. The group sign-in form does not register anyone for the webinar, it just verifies live attendance. Each person will receive their login email on the day of the webinar – this verifies their registration. The group sign in form verifies that they watched the live webinar.

Please contact distancelearning@nigp.org if you do not receive your login information by 12 pm ET on the day of the webinar.

Presented By:

Professional Certification(s) obtained: NIGP-CPP, J.D., CPPO. Experience: From 2013 to 2018, Richard Pennington was general counsel to NASPO ValuePoint, the nonprofit subsidiary of the National Association of State Procurement Officials that supports the states in their national cooperative procurements. Previously, he served of counsel to the Denver office of McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP, where he advised clients on federal, state and local government procurement. Richard is the former director of the Division of Finance and Procurement, Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration, where he managed a division consisting of the Office of the State Controller, the State Purchasing Office, Central Collections Services, and State Buildings and Real Estate Programs. He previously served as State Purchasing Director, after working for the Colorado Attorney General as procurement and construction litigation counsel. Richard is a retired Air Force Colonel and judge advocate who started his career as a B-52 pilot and later became a judge advocate specializing in federal procurement. He served as Chief of Air Force Commercial Litigation Division, working with the Department of Justice in litigating bid protest, bankruptcy, contract disputes, and patent infringement cases filed in federal courts across the nation. Richard received his Air Force commission and undergraduate B.S. degree in engineering mechanics from the Air Force Academy. He has a J.D. degree from the University of Denver and Master of Laws degree in government procurement law from The George Washington University. In 2005, he was selected as the Manager of the Year by the Colorado State Managers Association. He holds the NIGP-CPP (Certified Procurement Professional) certification and is a Certified Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.), a Certified Public Procurement Official (CPPO), and a life member of the National Association of State Procurement Officials. Richard is the author of Seeing Excellence: Learning from Great Procurement Teams (Hugo House Publishing, 2013) and co-author of Legal Aspects of Public Procurement, 3rd Ed. (Routledge, 2020). He is the 2020 recipient of NIGP’s Distinguished Service Award.


Cancellation Policy

Registration and payment must be received 24 hours prior to the course start date. After this time, registrations will be based on space availability.  A full refund, less a $75 administrative fee will be given for cancellations made in writing 31+ days prior to the seminar date by emailing RegistrationInfo@nigp.org. No refunds are given for cancellations received within 24 hours of the seminar start date. There are no refunds for no-shows. If the seminar is cancelled for any reason, NIGP's liability is limited to the registration fee only.  

Attendee substitutions within the same agency may be done at any time with email notification to NIGP. If attending via scholarship, please provide documentation verifying the scholarship issuer's name and contact information in lieu of payment information.