Have you ever had a firm receive the highest score, but thought a different team seemed stronger for the project? Add to your toolbox another a qualitative way to conduct evaluations. In this workshop we will review a qualitative alternative for conducting evaluations where you can clearly articulate the reasons for the selection and confidently justify your selection.
What You'll Learn
completing this online training session, learners will be able to:
1. Review and calibrate the evaluation criteria to achieve the goals of the procurement
2. Use a non-numeric evaluation method
3. Simplify the evaluation process while gathering highlights that support the selection
Presenter Bio(s)
Lourdes Coss, MPA, NIGP-CPP, CPPO - is a transformational leader and the author of “Procurement Methods: Effective Techniques.” Following a successful public procurement career, she founded M. L. Coss and Associates, LLC, and continues to add value to the profession as a consultant, speaker, executive coach, and trainer. Lourdes is a certified Personality Consultant, Licensed Brain Trainer, and Neuro-Encoding Specialist. She is an active member of NIGP, the chair of the NIGP Talent Council Leadership Committee, a NIGP instructor, and a NIGP senior consultant.
As a former Chief Procurement Officer, Lourdes invested most of her 27-year career successfully leading procurement transformations at some of the largest agencies in the U.S., including the City of Houston, Cook County, City of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the Public Building Commission. Lourdes has left a legacy of high-performing teams, innovation, automation, legislative action, and administrative & financial policies in each of these agencies. Many of the policies implemented have survived the test of time and remain in place today.
Lourdes graduated magna cum laude from the University of Puerto Rico and received her MPA from Florida State University. She’s a former NIGP Board member, the recipient of the 2016 Spirit of NIGP Award and the 2018 NIGP Integrity Award. She’s a certified member of the Maxwell Leadership Team and serves on its President’s Advisory Council. Thinkers360 recognized Lourdes as one of the Top 100 Women Thought Leaders to Follow and among the Top 10 Procurement Influencers and Thought Leaders.
Attendance for Individuals
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Attendance for Groups
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with each webinar. The group sign-in form does not register anyone for the
webinar, it just verifies live attendance. Each person will receive their login
email on the day of the webinar – this verifies their registration.
The group sign in form verifies that they watched the live webinar.
Please contact
distancelearning@nigp.org if you do not receive your login information by 12 pm
ET on the day of the webinar.