P6987 Notice of Termination-Pulver -rev.doc

  • Library: Purchissues
  • Year Created: 2016
  • File Type: DOC
The document is a certified mail notice sent to Ted Pulver of Pulver Investigations & Polygraph regarding the termination of their Agreement with Spokane County for Pre-Employment Polygraph Screening services. The termination is due to the inability to verify Pulver's firm's qualifications and experience as required by the Request For Quotation (RFQ) and Contract No. P6987. Pulver is given until February 28, 2012, to provide verifiable documentation confirming their qualifications; failure to do so will result in automatic termination. The document outlines the minimum experience requirements and the efforts made by Spokane County to verify Pulver's qualifications, including contacting provided references who could not verify the experience. The termination notice provides instructions for Pulver to respond and furnish the required information to avoid termination.