ART - Barriers to Small/Medium Businesses to Public Procurement Markets - focus on Pharmaceuticals in Egypt 2015

  • YEAR CREATED: 2015
  • ENTITY TYPE: Scholarly Publication
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: ART - Article, Paper, Review, Survey, Report
The document is a report titled "Evaluating SME Experiences of Government Procurement" by Fresh Minds Research for the Scorecard Working Party. The report discusses the experiences of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in government procurement. It includes information on the effects of reference pricing in pharmaceutical markets, the benefits of transparency in public procurement for SMEs, and the challenges and constraints of curbing corruption in government procurement in Southeast Asia. The report also mentions various documents related to public tenders for the supply of medicines by organizations such as Mansoura University, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Health, and Suez Canal Authority. Additionally, it references other studies and reports on topics such as e-readiness assessment tools, competition in public sector procurement, and improving SMEs' access to the public procurement market. The report is relevant to the topic of procurement markets in the EU and can provide insights into the experiences of SMEs in government procurement.

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