Government Procurement Magazine - February/March 2020

The February/March 2020 issue of Government Procurement magazine includes articles on technology in procurement. This issue's in-depth article "Building Better Bridges: How IT Departments Can Better Serve Procurement Agencies Through Collaboration" discusses how IT departments and procurement agencies can use new approaches to work toward a common goal. It includes examples from across the country of government agencies that have successfully discovered innovative ways to collaborate with IT to find solutions to their problems. The article "Government Technology is Changing – So Must the Way We Buy It" looks at challenges today's public procurement agencies are facing when it comes to adopting new technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence. The eighth installment of the 10-part series "Top 10 Energy Buying Mistakes You Didn't Realize You Were Making (& How to Avoid Them)" looks at the mistake of focusing too much on the process instead of the results when selecting an advisor. Other articles in this issue include "How to Engage Small Business Sellers" and "Transparency Leads to Accountability and Efficiency." The article "Personality Matters: The DISC Method" explores how the personality assessment tool known as the DISC method can be used to understand individuals and determine team dynamics. This can lead to an improvement in communication and understanding among team members.