Working off the philosophy of the book/concept, “Who Moved My Cheese?”, Tammy Rimes MPA will take this concept and relate it to public procurement. Whether it’s reworking existing policies, allowing new processes to accommodate social distancing and shifts in daily operations, it is time to reflect on how we conducted procurement processes in the past and what is possible for the future. While COVID19 has been a terrible event, it has pushed teams to becoming more creative and develop new ways to be strategic while taking care of daily business. . Featuring a panel of procurement professionals to share their insights and changes that were implemented within their own operations including moving to a virtual office, handling COVID in addition to protests and weather events, managing morale and team activities, addressing upcoming budget constraints and cutbacks, all while keeping operations running smoothly. After 2020, procurement life will never be the same again.What You'll Learn
1. Discover policy and procedure updates to help with a virtual office
2. Find ways to drive down costs due to budget impacts
3. Learn the procurement paradigm shifts for the future
4. Side by side pros and cons for making changes across the organization
5. Shared case studies/success stories from other agencies
Presenter Bio(s)
Tammy Rimes, MPA served as the former Purchasing Agent for the City of San Diego and now serves as the Executive Director for the National Cooperative Procurement Partners, North America's premier Association for cooperative procurement. As a keynote speaker and government consultant, her passion is developing unique and meaningful content to pursue excellence in public procurement.
Stacy Gregg, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB Procurement Manager for the University of South Carolina. She has been in the field of public procurement for over 20 years; and her experience includes state government and K-12 institutions. Stacy is a passionate advocate for the profession; and actively volunteers with local and national organizations.
Diane Seaton, CPPO, CPPB has over twenty-five years of governmental purchasing/contract experience and began work with the City of Portland in October 2001 as the Division of Asset Management’s Contract Manager. Diane serves on the Board of NPI as the Treasurer, and represents NPI on the UPPCC Board of Examiners (CPPB). Diane is NIGP’s representative on the AEP Committee and is an Area 8 Chapter Ambassador for NIGP.
Denise K Schneider, CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., C.M. Denise is the Assistant Director Purchasing for the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority and beginning her 14th year with the Authority overseeing a team of 24 professionals. Denise has over 30 thirty of diverse purchasing experience which includes a non-profit child welfare agency, difference types of government agencies and with a private company where she trained government purchasing professionals on the use of e-procurement.
Bob Perkins, CPPO, CPPB, NIGP-CPP is the Director of Ada County Procurement, the largest County in Idaho. With twenty-five years as a government procurement professional, Bob is a graduate of Boise State University, 2004 Charter member of the Idaho Public Purchasing Association and Past President, 2017 recipient of the Idaho Public Purchasing Association “Frank Pierce Founders Award” and NCPP Champions of Change Award in 2019. Bob co authored successful procurement legislation for the State of Idaho (2016, 2017 & 2019).
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