NIGP Consulting - Expert Consultants | NIGP
Public Procurement Professionals Transforming Public Procurement

NIGP Consulting Expert Consultants

Marcheta Gillespie, FNIGP, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, C.P.M., CPPB, CPM

President of NIGP Code and Consulting

"I have had a lifelong passion for public procurement and helping professionals and entities improve. As a former practitioner for 28 years, I bring a unique perspective to my role. My goal is to partner with government to transform procurement operations by aligning my team of exceptional procurement professionals to each clients' project and unique needs."

Stephanie L. Akerley, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB


"Procurement is such an important function of any organization – in fact, no organization, public or private, can operate without it. I am passionate about procurement – growing the people in the profession, ensuring that policies and practices are based on best practices, and elevating the perception of the profession. These goals can only be achieved if every procurement professional is given clear and reasonable policies, procedures, measurable goals, and the opportunity to grow as a practitioner."

Denise E. Badillo, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB

Consultant, Staff Augmentation

"Being a part of the NIGP Consulting team allows experienced practitioners to share their knowledge while gaining insight on how other organizations operate. The value this program provides to it's clients in immeasurable."

Elvia R. Fernandez, CPPO, CPPB

Consultant, Staff Augmentation

"I have 25 years of experience in various facets of procurement— from hands-on bid and RFP preparation to leading and managing strategic procurement initiatives. As I offer my services as a consultant, my desire and goal are to add value and give back to the profession that started me off on my career. I do this by offering my expertise to assist organizations in building a high performing team that achieves superior results."

Denise K. Finn, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M.

Senior Consultant

"As an NIGP Senior Consultant I take great pride in the ability to assist agencies reach their goals and to make improvement they may not have thought of. Working with Procurement Professional across North America is a joy and fulfills the passion that I have for continuous development and helping others. "

Jill Klaskin Press, CPPO

Consultant, Staff Augmentation

"The thrill of taking on new projects, with their own set of challenges, is why we are here for you. We get to apply our unique set of skills, on a project-by-project basis and see them through. We don’t view these assignments as problems, we see them as challenges to applying the right solution. We are genuine problem-solvers."


Consultant, Staff Augmentation

"Over the past 15 years, I have had the opportunity to work in every role in public procurement alongside some incredible mentors and colleagues. As an NIGP consultant, I enjoy sharing the knowledge and best practices I have picked up along the way in the hopes of enriching and advancing the public procurement profession."


Senior Consultant

"I consult because good public procurement is good government. As a citizen, I want to do all I can to contribute to good government in the Unites States of America. This is my niche where I can add value and make a difference."

Renee A. Rogers, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M.


"It is very satisfying to help enhance our clients' practices and improve service delivery, while streamlining their procurement processes."

Brian R. Smith, CPPO, NIGP-CPP


"With my strong background in program planning, design, and implementation, I am able to make connections from real world experience. This helps me to effectively diagnose and recommend actions that will help my clients meet their objectives. I look forward to being your strategic partner."

Rhonda S. Ulmer, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, C.P.M.

Consultant, Staff Augmentation

"Working as a consultant after retirement from public procurement has afforded me the opportunity to provide support to understaffed agencies affected by the workforce crisis. My passion is "Procurement" - it is rewarding to stay engaged and give back to an awesome profession!"

Ray S. Valdez, CPPB

Consultant, Staff Augmentation

"Joining the NIGP team has thus far been a rewarding experience. The ability to work with different agencies to help them obtain the best value for their organization is why I decided to work with NIGP. I love working with different departments and individuals in an agency to award a contract that hopefully exceed their expectations."